
The most common cause of joint pain is osteoarthritis, a degenerative disease that wears away the surface of the joint. The most common symptoms of osteoarthritis include pain, stiffness, and swelling in the joint. This condition also greatly decreases range of motion and causes inflammation that can be seen on the skin around the joint. Patients with arthritis usually report feeling the worst symptoms in the morning. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, a patient may feel a loss of appetite due to the inflammation by way of the immune system. Severe rheumatoid arthritis also causes joint deformity and hand in hand with anemia by decreasing the red blood cell count.

Epidural Steroid Injections

Steroidal medication injected into a painful joint space can help soothe pain in arthritic joints. Injecting corticosteroids into an arthritic joint will not provide permanent relief on its own,  it can dramatically reduce inflammation and pain. The effects can last anywhere between 1 week to 1 year. Injections for joint pain are usually one of the steps taken before resorting to surgery. In some patients, steroid injections can reduce pain to the point where patients are able to participate in Physical Therapy, which in turn can strengthen the surrounding muscles and eliminate the need for further treatment.

Physical Therapy

Our Physical Therapists can help manage pain, reducing the need for opioids and sometimes avoiding surgery entirely.

Physical therapy can improved mobility, increase trauma recovery, increase recovery from stroke or paralysis, reduce the risk of falling by increasing muscle strength and improve equilibrium.

Our mission is to help patients to return to work, improve their quality of life, reduce dependence on medication and healthcare providers, and avoid persistent injuries.

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Conditions & Services

Pain Management

Auto Injury

Workplace Injury

Personal Injury

Neck & Back Injury

Knee Pain

Joint Pain

Regenerative Medicine

Physical Therapy

Aquatic Therapy

Vestibular Rehab

Traumatic Brain Injury

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7901 John Carpenter Freeway
Dallas, TX 75247

Click to Call Dallas Office

Telephone Receiver on Apple iOS 13.3 972-382-9992

Arlington, TX

801 Road to Six Flags West, Suite 146
Arlington, TX 76012

Click to Call Arlington Office

Telephone Receiver on Apple iOS 13.3 817-887-8182

Albuquerque, NM

801 3911 4th Street NW Ste A
Albuquerque, NM 87107

Click to Call Albuquerque Office

Telephone Receiver on Apple iOS 13.3 505-514-2292