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How to Deal with Pain After a Car Accident

Automobile accidents are never easy ordeals for victims and sufferers. The physical and neurological damages can severely impact everyday life. The healing process may even take weeks or months to achieve desired results. Still, timely treatments are essential in managing pain and tension – if you or a loved one has sustained injuries in a crash. While success depends on the severity of your injury and treatment compliance, here are nine crucial steps to consider after a car accident has occurred.

Seek immediate medical attention after a car wreck

Car accidents are notorious for causing all types of injuries. These include whiplash, concussions, and chronic pain. Victims may also experience muscle stiffness, spinal damage, and herniated or bulging discs. However, some symptoms may not be immediately visible and can be felt days or weeks after the incident. With this in mind, you should visit your appropriate medical professional even if you are not in pain. The doctor can take imaging tests to pinpoint the exact areas in distress. These tests will check for internal bleeding, nerve tension, fractures, and soft tissue damage.

Failure to get timely medical care can result in irreparable harm and damages. In addition, the risk of your injuries getting worse with recurring pain will be higher if left untreated.

Find the right orthopedic specialist

While it’s vital to visit your regular doctor after an accident, chances are they will refer you to a specialist. Family physicians do not have the training for treating internal injuries stemming from car accidents. Similarly, they lack the qualifications to manage whiplash, fractures, concussions, and tissue injuries.

Only certified orthopedic specialists can provide effective pain management services. These physicians offer a wide array of services that treat bone, muscle, joint, and tendon injuries. In addition, they analyze and assess musculoskeletal problems with customized care plans to get you back on your feet. Orthopedic doctors even handle spinal conditions with adjustments, massage therapies, and rehabilitative exercises.

Follow your treatment plan

Post-accident recovery may be a tediously long process. Expedited results depend on how compliant you are with the prescribed treatments. Therefore, it is best to follow your personalized care plan accordingly to ensure a favorable outcome. Following the doctor’s guidelines will put you on the path to complete recovery and prevent injuries from gaining a foothold in your life. Follow these steps:

  • Limit normal activities and take some time off of work so your body can heal.
  • Do not skip any medications as prescribed by your specialist.
  • Attend physical therapy appointments as part of your customized care plan.
  • Your therapist will recommend light stretching exercises that you can do at home.
  • Monitor your recovery process, ask questions, and check how soon you can return to work or daily chores.
  • Make follow-up appointments with your doctor to ensure everything is on track towards your recovery.

Your doctor may even suggest alternative treatment options if certain aspects of your plan are not working. Orthopedic clinics feature state-of-the-art equipment with cutting-edge therapies that help you every step of the way. Still, it’s important to voice any concerns regarding treatment.

Get sufficient bed rest

An essential factor in any injury recovery plan is rest. Getting sufficient sleep plays a pivotal role in healing your body. Sleep increases oxygen and blood flow to injured areas for better muscle recovery and tissue repair. In addition, your stress levels are significantly lower with rest, resulting in reduced internal swelling and inflammation.

A good night’s sleep even boosts energy levels throughout the day. This keeps you alert and positively impacts your mood. You will need these reinforcements for a full and healthy recovery.

Monitor and manage your pain levels

Pain may persist even with a physical therapy plan.  While the ultimate goal is to eradicate pain and rebuild your mobility, it does take time for strengthening and stabilization exercises to produce results. Therefore, keep attending your therapy sessions, and do not allow frustration to serve as an obstacle towards your progress.

Become your advocate and monitor your pain levels. If you feel it is becoming unbearable, speak to your physician about existing or new pain relievers. They may prescribe stronger over-the-counter pain medications or hot and cold compresses. In addition, deep-tissue massages may help with muscle soreness and ligament or tendon damages.

Pain management is a two-way street that requires you and your physician to be on the same page. For example, suppose you deal with excruciating pain that prevents you from sleeping. In that case, your doctor will recommend the best steps to take.

Stretching and exercising at home

As mentioned earlier, your therapist will prescribe light stretching exercises for you to do at home. These techniques play a central role in restoring optimal flexibility, balance, and endurance. They also help you regain strength while achieving a maximum range of motion. In addition, regular movements will prevent muscle atrophy and keep them from getting stiff and weak.

Stretching exercises even reduce pain and inflammation. However, while it’s good to increase your mobility, do not push yourself too hard. Overexertion may worsen injuries and hinder the progress of your recovery. Instead, follow your doctor’s guidelines on practicing yoga or stretching with recommended techniques.

Eat right and stay hydrated

Proper nutritional guidance is often an overlooked component in injury recovery plans. However, consuming a healthy, nutritious diet can keep your recovery on the right track to success. As part of the healing process, your body needs essential vitamins and minerals to help repair muscular damages. This includes eating whole, fresh foods and healthier meals for better functionality and performance.

You also need adequate fluids to stay hydrated. This, too, helps repair muscle and tissue damages within the body.

Be patient and stay positive

Remember to be patient and let the treatment process work. It may be a long, slow road to recovery, but it is worth it. While setbacks can indeed occur, keep moving ahead with your treatment plan. Stay positive with good support, and never let anything stand in the way of your wellness goals. This is the only way to make progress and get back to the activities you love in life.

Check your car insurance policy

The car accident victim should also ensure their insurance company will provide care as part of the policy. In addition, the provider will work with your attorney or legal representation team at no cost to you. While it can be hard to stay on top of things during the healing period, having the right car insurance provider is paramount and will help you avoid out-of-pocket expenses.

car accident pain

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